Ah, the infamous New Year’s resolution. Most of us approach it with a little discontent, knowing that the odds of success are not in our favor. I think the percentage of people who actually follow through and accomplish their resolution is less than 10 percent. Most resolutions are so dream-like they are almost impossible. But there are some resolutions out there that are attainable!
This year, how about taking a different approach? Maybe pick a resolution that is completely attainable. One that is simple, yet impactful. How about a resolution that has such a high return on investment that it would be hard to not at least try?
Here are five resolutions that can change your life if you just give them a small effort!
Smile More
A smile is so infectious! When someone smiles at you, or even near you, don’t you feel your face automatically begin to return the favor? How such a simple gesture can literally change the mood in the room!
Be More Positive
There is nothing more attention grabbing than a positive attitude. It’s something you cannot ignore. When a person with a positive attitude enters the room, it makes you feel a tad lighter on your feet. Even if it’s for that moment, in that moment, share a positive attitude.
Be More Patient
Life is fleeting and we spend so much time trying to speed things up. Making something better had translated into making some processes faster. We expect the faster approach to all parts of our life, so much so tat we get annoyed when someone or something isn’t fast. We get annoyed and we become impatient. Spend a little more time smelling the roses! Take in the sights! Breathe in the air!
Say Thank You More
How much better do you feel when someone thanks you for your service, thanks you for your effort and recognizes your work? While we would gladly accept a material gift, sometimes simply saying thank you makes all that hard work worthwhile. Did they do their job well? Did they perform their duties properly? Be sure to thank them for a job well done!
As nurses, we have the potential to positively impact lives with the care we give. It’s time we enrich everyone’s lives with a little bit of basics.
Happy New Year!