
AHS Staffing CEO Mark Smith Pens Letter on Nurses Week 2021

To say this last year has been challenging would be an incredible understatement. When we started AHS Staffing over ten years ago, I truly never considered that we would be dealing with something like this from the perspective of a nurse staffing agency.

But that’s the difference between us and you, a nurse. You did consider that you could be dealing with something like this. And you did it regardless of if you wanted to, if you were scared, or anything else.

You did it because you are a nurse.

So, to say that this year has been challenging, from my perspective, would be a disservice to the challenges that you faced during the last year, and will likely continue to face until this pandemic is over.

The one thing that I can say, though, is that it has been the honor of a lifetime to be able to serve you through this ordeal. It’s been our privilege as a company to hopefully be a steadying force in your life when things were anything but steady. You deserved a company that you could trust, that had your back, and believed in you. I hope you found that in us.

Beyond that, you deserved an advocate, a listening ear, and a friend. I hope you found that in your recruiter, your credentialer, and everyone else at AHSG that you have encountered over the last year.

We built this company on the motto, “make a difference daily.” That means that everyone who walks through our doors as an employee is here to make a difference in your life as one of our traveling nurses. Those beliefs were part of how we operated before COVID-19, they were part of how we served during COVID-19, and they will continue to be how we make a difference in your life long after the pandemic is over. That’s our promise to you.

As COVID hopefully continues to wind down, I just wanted to take this moment on Nurses Week and thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything that you did. We heard countless stories from our travelers about the challenges they faced, and we know that the sacrifices you made did not come without a cost. Whether you just started traveling with AHS, or you’ve been with us for years, or even if you’re moving on from AHS, please know that we’ve got your back.

It’s the least we can do for you having ours.

Mark Smith, CEO AHS Staffing