Michelle Williams

Michelle Williams

When did you start working for AHS?


What do you like most about your job?

Working with great people, flexibility, financial compensation.

What type of certifications/specialties do you work with?


What are some of your hobbies?

Working out, shopping!

What are three interesting facts about you?

1. I was born in Canada 2. I am 5’4 and have 2 kids that are taller than me by 1-foot minimum 3. I am 100% German

Who’s your favorite band/singer?

Alan Jackson.

How would you describe your personality?

Outgoing, loyal.

Who is someone that inspires you, and why?

My Dad. Came from the most humble of beginnings and created a wonderful life for our family. He was a faithful, fabulous, believing leader. I learned so much from just watching him.

What is your contact information? (Email, Phone, Social Media Handles)

[email protected] 602-738-7345

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