
Norma Sandoval

When did you start working for AHS?

Jan 2020.

What do you like most about your job?

The culture and management.

What type of certifications/specialties do you work with?

Started as a recruiter and now I’m transitioning to the CSM team as a CSS.

What are some of your hobbies?

Don’t really have any. I’m a mother of 3 active kiddos.

What are three interesting facts about you?

Married my HS sweetheart & have been together for 20+ yrs. I have Irish twins that are 11 months apart. I was born in Mexico, but my first language was English.

Who’s your favorite band/singer?

Not sure, I pretty much like them all.

How would you describe your personality?

Fun, dependable, dedicated, trustworthy, and easy to work with.

Who is someone that inspires you, and why?

My father, because he’s pretty amazing.

What is your contact information? (Email, Phone, Social Media Handles)

[email protected], 469-478-3482 https://www.facebook.com/norma.sandovalvaldez https://www.linkedin.com/in/norma-sandoval-5015a9a3/ https://www.instagram.com/normysand/

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