Whether it’s your first day as a travel nurse or you’re a seasoned veteran, the day will come when your self-confidence takes a hit. Even for the most experienced of nurses, going to a new facility can feel like all eyes are on them. If you start to feel that way, don’t be ashamed! It certainly doesn’t mean you’re a bad nurse, in fact, it means you really care about your practice.
Stay strong in moments of doubt with these four helpful tips:
Don’t Compare Yourself
Sometimes our insecurities can come from watching someone do a great job and wonder if you look as professional doing the same thing. Instead of instilling fear in yourself by comparing how you work and what you have to others, be grateful and confident in the skills that you do have!
Sharpen Your Interpersonal Communication Skills
Effective communication is important in any successful company, but in a fast-paced, high-stakes environment – like the hospital floor – it is crucial. When you have a sharp understanding of your interpersonal communication skills and how they relate to your career in nursing, you improve your value. Individuals who are easy to talk to, can take constructive feedback, and those with emotional intelligence are at an immediate advantage over those who struggle communicating in the workplace.
Being able to discuss among your teammates and managers is important to achieve both simple and complex tasks in the workplace. It can also help you learn the ropes quicker as well!
Keep these five stages of interpersonal skills in mind: Listening, Communication, Patience, Stress Management and a Sense of Humor.
Build Relationships
If there’s anyone who knows the ins and outs of a facility, it’s the people who have been there the longest. Find a mentor, talk to people and step out of your shell and you will be surprised what you learn!
Modeling your work ethic after someone who is excelling in all aspects is a great start to bringing yourself up to par with everyone in your new environment.
Ask Away
Don’t be afraid to ask too many questions at your new assignment. In fact, ask your new team for facility maps, brochures and any fine details you can’t find on their website. You can also ask for possible commute times, parking advice and restaurant recommendations. This extra prep taken will help make your transition to your new position smooth!
If you’re feeling nervous, relax! It’s only normal.
We hope these tips help you make a smooth transition to your next travel nursing assignment!