
What to Expect After Applying for a Travel Nursing Job

woman on computer to find a nursing job

You just submitted an application on our job board for your dream job with AHS NurseStat (your favorite travel nursing group), and just like any other position, you’re probably curious on what to expect next. No one hiring process is identical to the next, but a process is followed, and there are things you can expect.

We caught up with some of our recruiters who outlined some of the standard things you can prepare for after submitting an application with us.

Expect a call:  

Typically, you can expect a call within the first 24 hours of applying if a recruiter identifies a possible fit.

The first call is a pre-screen call, which consists of fact finding, verifying info on the submitted application, and figuring out if an applicant would be a good fit for the position.

Identifying a fit:

If a recruiter views your qualifications as a good fit for the position you applied for, you will be informed and will receive an explanation of the upcoming steps. You will receive an email from your recruiter containing a job description, instructions on collecting necessary government documents (ID’s, education, updated resume, legal documentation, etc), and more. Applicants can generally expect feedback from recruiters within 24-48 hours. 

Processing employment: 

After the documentation is finished and turned in, recruiters will then upload and submit the candidate to the client. Clients then review the candidate and decide whether to proceed with employment or reject with an explanation on why. If a client chooses to proceed with an interview, your recruiter will get back in contact and let you know the details about an upcoming interview or job offer. 

Nail the interview:

This is typically a phone interview, which, for some, relieves some stress of dressing the part – but don’t take it lightly. This is your chance to “wow” them! Prepare for the interview by gathering information pertinent to the job you’re applying for. They will want to hear about your education, relevant experience, and achievements. Use online resources, like Glassdoor, to prepare yourself for questions you may be asked.

Being patient is key when applying for a new position. Having as much information and documentation gathered beforehand makes the application and recruiting process easier.

Author: Harlee Toothman