Talk To a Recruiter and Find Your Dream Nursing Job!
Our world-class recruiters are here to help you find the perfect position for your needs. We work side-by-side with you to match you with the right job anywhere in the U.S. At AHS NurseStat, you have someone in your corner at every step of the way.
No matter what criteria you have for your next job, we are here to help you find the right match. Whether you are looking for something more permanent or you’re looking for the adventure of travel nursing, we help you find that perfect fit. We care about you and your goals, and we take time to listen and understand so we can connect you with the right opportunity and travel nurse housing.
Ready to talk to one of our expert recruiters? Fill out this short form and we’ll get in touch with you to help guide you through our easy application process and put you on the road to success in your career.a travel

Your Partners for Your Dream Nursing Job
What sets us apart from other medical staffing companies is our dedication to each and every one of our nurses. Our goal is to make a difference for your personal and professional life so you can help those most in need. Our AHS NurseStat recruiters are your partner in making that happen.
We start by listening to your goals, so we understand what will be the best match for you. Then, we get to work helping you find the right placement for your needs. Whether you’re looking for a temporary position, a permanent position, or are interested in travel nursing, we’re here to make it happen. Our recruiters are experts at helping you find opportunities that help you further your career goals. Even after you’ve started your dream job, your recruiter checks in with you to see how you’re doing and if you need any support. Our recruiters aren’t just recruiters – they’re nurse advocates to help ensure you have everything you need for success.
Why partner with us to find your new position? As medical staffing experts, we understand you from a nursing perspective. We only work with nurses here at AHS NurseStat, so we understand your needs. We’re not just some job board, we are a community that is out to serve all our nurses. Whatever you need, we’re here for you.
Communication is huge when it comes to looking for opportunities. Our medical staffing recruiters always keep you in the loop. We’re available 24/7, too! We know shifts can make it difficult to make calls during business hours, which is why our recruiters are ready to take your call at the hours most convenient for you. It shouldn’t feel like a job in itself to get a hold of your recruiter. If you have questions or concerns, we’re here to help! We also proactively follow up with you to make sure you have everything you need for success. That’s why we’re the best choice for your next opportunity.